Accommodation Options for Participants
Caribbean Research Methodologies Conference 2018
Regent Star Hotel
Address: 118-119 BWIA Boulevard, Piarco
Phone: (+1 868) 669-7827
Website: http://www.regentstarhotel.com/
Email: info@regentstarhotel.com
​*Average Room Price: US199 (single occupancy)
Holiday Inn Express & Suites
Address: No. 1 Exposition Drive , Trincity
Website: https://www.ihg.com/holidayinnexpress/hotels/us/en/trincity/poshi/hoteldetail
Email: hiexreservations@gmail.com
*Average Room Price: US154(single occupancy)
The University Inn
Address: 30 St. Augustine Circular Road, St. Augustine
Phone: (+1 868) 662-9635
Website: http://www.theuniversityinn.com/
Email: theuniversityinn@sta.uwi.edu
*Average Room Price: US115 (single occupancy)
Norma’s Bed and Breakfast
Address: Aruac Road 2, Valsayn Park South, Valsayn
Phone: (+1 868) 663-4137
Website: http://normasbnb.com/
Email: normagabriel@hotmail.com
*Average Room Price: US88(single occupancy)
The Centre for Education - Valsayn campus, The University of Trinidad and Tobago